
Welcome to Wobblenot!

2013-05-06 16.48.21


1. I’m an attorney in the workaholic Washington, DC metropolitan area. Here, people define themselves by their professions and how busy they are. Busy, busy, busy….

2. I’m also an athlete, pianist, and breast cancer survivor. (My series on the cancer recovery journey starts here.)

3. Family members tell me, “You ask too damn many questions” and “Why do you feel that everyone needs to know your opinion?” So, what can I say — I’m inquisitive….


Cheryl – my sister and chief collaborator – lets me ask all the questions.

4. I am passionate about having a balanced life!

That last point is actually the most important here and leads to the…


Well-being – You’ll find posts on health and wellness, including the Battling Breast Cancer series. I hope you will be inspired by the stories and information. Well-being is about the mind, body, and spirit.*

Travel –  So many of us want travel as part of our lives. We do what we can with limited time and money. I’m always trawling the web for tips and resources. Some of my favorite trips and places (local and distant) are here.

Food News – I’m a foodie. But, I make conscious choices about eating and thoroughly enjoy food. (My friends call me a picky eater.) I’m a foodie on my own terms, which means healthy, delicious food choices. Sometimes “Food News” will go a little deep and beyond the restaurant experiences and recipes. You’ll see.

Inspiration – Inspiration can come from any source — people, places, art, books, and innovation. What inspires you?

SMH – “Shaking My Head” is the category reserved for topics that simply defy logic.

[*Disclaimer: I’m not a health care professional or expert, and I’m not giving advice. I’m sharing information I’ve found and my own experiences. I successfully transformed my body to a state of better health. I don’t have it all figured out, but I do know that I’m still a work in progress. Aren’t we all?]

Email:  hazel.wobblenot@gmail.com


12 thoughts on “About

  1. HI, Kim. Thanks for stopping by my blog and liking something. I am enjoying my visit to yours. Congrats on surviving cancer. You are one of the winners. I have had three skin cancer surgeries which is not quite as significant as your experience. Keep up the good work!


  2. Tottionna

    Hi there!

    I met a composer named Al in passing at a restaurant the other day. I was telling him about how I just moved to DC for a policy internship after graduating from UC San Diego with a degree in Ethnic Studies (minor in Law & Society), and he told me I should check out your blog because he felt like our interests aligned. I’ve only done a quick skim, but I had to subscribe and I look forward to keeping up with your posts!

    All the best,


    • Thanks for following my blog, Tottionna! You’re here in DC at a time when the organization you’re interning with is sure to be very energized. Enjoy the experience!


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